Edi.WordFilter 2.2.0


Basic word filter used in my blog system to filter dirty words (e.g. insulting languages, impertinent words)



dotnet add package Edi.WordFilter


Prepare a text file with banned words, for example splitted by |. Like this:


Use it like this

var wordFilterDataFilePath = $"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData(Constants.DataDirectory)}\\BannedWords.txt";
var filter = new TrieTreeWordFilter(wordFilterDataFilePath);

var output = filter.FilterContent("Go fuck yourself and eat some shit!");
// output: Go **** yourself and eat some ****!

Design Details


This is written by ChatGPT, it's faster than my HashTableWordFilter.

The FilterContent() method in the TrieTreeWordFilter class is used to filter sensitive words from a given string content. It uses a Trie data structure to efficiently find and replace sensitive words with asterisks (*).

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

  1. It initializes a result array with the same length as the input content. This array will hold the filtered content.
  2. It sets two pointers, slowIndex and fastIndex, to track the start and end of a potential sensitive word in the content.
  3. It then enters a loop that continues until fastIndex has traversed the entire content.
  4. Inside the loop, it checks if the current character exists as a child in the current Trie node. If it does, it means the current character could be part of a sensitive word.
  5. If the current Trie node marks the end of a word (node.IsEndOfWord is true), it means a complete sensitive word has been found. The method then replaces all characters of this word in the result array with asterisks (*).
  6. If the current Trie node does not mark the end of a word, it means the current character could be part of a longer sensitive word. The method then moves to the next character and continues the loop.
  7. If the current character does not exist as a child in the current Trie node, it means the current character is not part of a sensitive word. The method then copies this character to the result array.
  8. After the loop, it copies any remaining characters in the content to the result array.
  9. Finally, it returns the result array as a new string, which is the filtered content.

This method is efficient for filtering sensitive words, especially when there is a large set of words to filter. However, it assumes that the Trie tree has been properly initialized with all the sensitive words.

Trie Tree

A Trie, also known as a prefix tree, is a tree-like data structure that is used to store a collection of strings. Each node of the Trie represents a character of a string and the root of the Trie represents an empty string or the start of a string. The strings are stored in a way that all the descendants of a node have a common prefix of the string associated with that node. Here's a simple example of how a Trie might look when storing the words "car", "cat", and "dog":

├── c
│   ├── a
│   │   ├── r
│   │   └── t
└── d
    └── o
        └── g

In this example, each path from the root to a node represents a string. For instance, the path from the root to the node 'r' represents the string "car".

Tries are particularly useful for operations that involve prefix matching, such as autocomplete features in text editors or web browsers, as they allow for efficient retrieval of all keys with a given prefix. They are also used in word filtering, as in the FilterContent() method you asked about earlier.

However, Tries can be memory-intensive, as each node may need to store pointers to many children. There are variations of the Trie data structure, such as the compressed Trie (also known as a Radix tree or Patricia tree), which help to mitigate this issue by merging nodes with a single child.

HashTableWordFilter (obsolete)

Split disharmony word into Dictionary, Key points to the first character, Value points to the next character where Value itself is the Key of the next Dictionary. When filtering content, begin search with the first Dictionary, if matching double side, then it is a disharmony word.

For example, given disharmony word "FUCK,FS,ABC", the following structure is created:


Each blue box represents a Dictionary, each character of the disharmony word is stored as the Key and pointing to the next Dictionary.

For example, if user input "FUCK FAKE", the flow is:

"F" can be found in the first level of Dictionary(H0), "U" can be found in the Dictionary(H1) where H1's value is reffered to, like this, C and K can be found in H2 and H3, so "FUCK" is a disharmony word.

For the word "FAKE", although "F" can be found in Dictionary(H0), but H0 does not have a value pointing to "A", and "A" also don't have "K" sits in it's value, and "K" also does not exists in the first level of Dictionary, so "FAKE" is not a disharmony word.








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